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Aon | Client Leadership Meeting

Augmented Reality

Client Leadership Meeting AUgmented Reality Booklet

Client Leadership Meeting AUgmented Reality Booklet

This booklet was used as a way to tie together all of the material learned by attendees at the event in a fun and interactive way. I learned how to use HP's augmented reality platform, Aurasma, in order to create this piece. It was an opportunity for personal growth and also an opportunity to create a memorable experience.

Video booklet demo

A demo of how the augmented reality worked with the video booklet. Once the app was open, you just pointed your phone at a page and it came to life. Below are a selection of the videos from the book.

Einstein Video

Question Mark video

Why How What video

Situation Video

Photo filter

Photo filter

Since the evening culminated on a photogenic boat tour of the city, I also created an augmented reality-activated photo filter so that attendees could capture their memories.